Friday, March 2, 2018

Benefits donkey cart with 500 liter water capacity.

Where can I find a low-cost 500 liter water transport?

Can you image there is no water a your home. 

You are living in a remote area some where in south africa.

The only way to get any water is collecting empty bottles and start walking.
And walk for 3 hours down the road. Finally arriving at a filling station for potable water.

Let's face it, cars are expensive and not everybody can afford a car. So many people only can walk or ride a bicycle. 

After waiting for a few hours to tap my water,  
it's my time to fill up my bottles.  And I can start walking back for 3 hours.

My whole day lost in walking and waiting for just a few bottles of drinking water.

Read below for the solution.

Stand in line for Water

Is there a quick and easy water transport solution?
use a Animal drawn Donkey Water Cart!

Why don't we use a animal drawn cart to transport 500 liter water? 

A donkey can deliver a speed averge speed around 10 km/ h. 

That's much faster than a person can walk over long distances. An other benefit is the 500 liters (potable) water to be delivered at once!

Special these days with water shortages people need a fast solution. After the fast delivery of the water there is stil time to work or run a local business.

CO2 reduction by using donkey cart

All carts are pulled by donkeys. Logically  there is no petrol cost. For people with no money that is great news. The donkey will eat grass near the road.
But more important the CO2 emission is  also drastically reduced!     

 water cart
Animal drawn 500 liter water cart manufactered by
500 liter water cart
People use this water cart manufactered by

Where can I find a water cart manufacterer? 

In the provice North West, Stilfontein there you can find  a donkey cart manufacturer
This small company, Tracka-Trekka, produced  many donkey carts  for different project around South Africa.

Check this link for more water cart photo flickr account/

Here are the contact details for Tracka-Trekka
P.O. Box 806,
South Africa, 2550

Phone: (018) 484-3134

animal Drawn 500 liter Water cart ready for delivery

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